Chapter-03 Matchbox Notes Part -02

12. How does Nomita frighten Ajit?                

A)-she does something that is astonishing. She grabs Ajit's matchbox that's lying near his cigarettes on the table, and fssh! She lights a matchstick and touches it to her sari. 

13. What is the plight of Nomita in the family?         

A)-Her plight is bad. He often flights with her husband Ajit. Her other sister – in – laws tease her for spending too much time with her husband, instead of helping them in the household chores. 

14. Comment on the expression 'forest of people'. What does it tell us about the structure of Indian joint families?           

A)-The author used a metaphor in calling the join family where Nomita and her husband Ajit live as forest of people.  There are 26 members in family.  The author has said Ajit gets the key to the letter box through the gaps among 52 hands in a forest some trees grow very Tall but some get choked and there is no sufficient for everyone to grow properly.                        

Activity I (Review)       

It is often said that an empowered woman is the one who can ‘find her own voice’, ‘speak up’, and ‘be seen and heard’. In the present world, what we need is to foster a man-woman relationship which contributes to healthy, mutual development. Man and woman should move forward together, supporting and respecting each other, and being open to different opinions and situations?.             

The story highlighted that empowered woman  is the one who ‘ find her own voice", and “ speak up “ and “ be seen and heard". In the present world, what we need is to foster a man- woman relationship which contributes to healthy, mutual development. Man and woman should move forward together, supporting and respecting each other, and being open to different situations and each of them have different opinions.          The story “ match box" is very  simple. Nomita is married to Ajit. They live in a joint family. Nomitas mother is a poor widow. Nomita has no brothers so her mother always demands money from nomita for her needs. She writes letters to her always telling misfortunes of various kinds with the intention of getting financial help from son in law . Nomita ashamed of the beggarly nature of her mother, but she continues helping her. 

Ajit has the habit of opening and reading all the letters that addressed nomita. She sees  a crumpled letter addressed to her in one of his trousers packets. The letter was written by her mother and he had received the letters 3 days ago. But never told nomita about it nomita had a asked him  many times not to pen and read her letters when she questions about this bad habit he says will always him about his bad habit. He says he will always do as he likes and what could she do stop him... so nomita picks up match box and sets fire to her sari. Ajit is able to put effort to out of this fire. All this drama take place as the washer man was waiting for dirty clothes. Then  Nomita gives the dirty clothes to washer man and gets busy with  house hold work. Nomita spend much time in the company of her husband neglecting her duties in joint family.     

In this story there is two important characters.  One is Nomita was a beautiful young women Who was assert her freedom. But her husband Ajit is doesnot allowed it. Gender discrimination is take place in this story.. we need gender equity they only live a healthy life.     

Activity II (Panel Discussion) 

The word ‘panel’ means a group of experts. The discussion held among these expert members in front of an audience could be called a panel discussion. It helps to clarify the difficult aspects of a topic in a systematic and objective manner. There are three sets of participants in a panel discussion. They are : Panellist, Moderator, Audience. Now, conduct a panel discussion on the topic “Indian women— finding a space in the socio-cultural milieu”. 

Points to be considered: 

• The effect of the media on a woman’s self-image

• Healthy women, healthy nation 

• The need for cultivating mental strength and mental toughness 

• The need for a productive and harmonious work environment. 

• Acting as a mentor and guide to other women and girls 

• Other marginalised sections of society. 

• The pivotal role of women from the past to the present. 

1.Panellists are experts in the field concerned. Decide upon the panellists (panel members) and list them. 

Panelist  -----------------Designation 

Dr.Smitha sanoj --------Senior lecturer  

Dr. Suresh kumar ----- HOD 

Dr. Sethumathavan ----Vice principal  

Select the moderator who facilitates the panel discussion. 

He/she initially welcomes the panellists and introduces them. 

2. Prepare the script of a speech welcoming the panellists and introducing them to the audience.  

Good morning. I am extremely happy. It gives me immense pleasure, Today we are going to have discussion about Indian women – finding a space in the social cultural monuments.  We all know there is increasing gender discrimination in now a days. Although we got freedom in 1947, the Indian women are still not 

free to live their lives the way they want. They have to  face so many problems because of our male dominated in society. Our women  to need freedom.         

The panellists in the discussion are  Dr. Smitha sanoj, a senior lecturer in Government college chittur, Dr. Suresh Kumar, the HOD of botany at government Victoria college palakkad  and Dr. Manoj kumar, the vice principal of Government victoria college palakkad. We all their sure their discussion will throw light into some of the vexing problems that  women face in our country.  The moderator is Simi Ibrahim, the well activist.  

3.After the panel presentation and discussion, the moderator synthesizes and summarizes the key points. 

Prepare the script of a speech summarizing the panel discussion. 

Let's review what we have discussed today.It's been great Discussing.On the whole, it has turned out to be a fruitful venture.    

We saw how indian women are not given their rightful places in the society. There are 1.2 billion Indians nearly half of which are women. Look our parliament how many women MPs are there? 

Look at kerala government how many women ministers are there? India got freedom in 1947, our women are still left behind when it comes to education, employment and leadership?. Dr. Ammini Jacob had some good suggestions regarding the effect of media on women self image. She showed that how healthy women make a healthy nation. Dr. Smitha sanoj emphasized the need of cultivating mental strength and mental toughness in women. She spoke about the need for a productive and harmonious work for environment for women. Dr. Suresh kumar was greatly concerned with the other marginalized section of the society and women played a pivot role in discovering of Agriculture  and past independence war. Velu nachiyar is example for it. Women should come forward to take up leadership positions. 

She asked the women not to wait patiently for their rights and grab them. I would like to thank to panellist for giving us great ideas. I also thank to audience for being so disciplined and well behaved. Thank you.