Plus One English Class 02-12-2020


Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

Textual Question Answers 

Qu4)-Why couldn't the boy gather confidence ? 

The boy did not have confidence because he was nervous. Moreover, he was not given any training to attain confidence and courage during the course of his education.

Qu5)-What was. the boy's concern?

The boy wanted to be a marine engineer. He wanted to travel in a ship. He wanted to be the captain of the ship. He wanted to build the engine of the ship. His concern was whether he would be able to fulfil his dreams

Qu)-6. Why did the audience look at Kalam when the boy completed the question ? 

When the boy completed his question the audience looked at Dr Kalam because it was a relevant question coming from a young village boy

Qu)-7. Why did Dr Kalam value the boy's question ?

Dr. Kalam valued the boy's question because it was the most difficult question, Most students are suffering from lack of confidence  

Qu)8. How can you be unique ?

 Accordig to Dr. Kalam, you can be unique by being yourself .You should not imitate any other person .you should develop your own  talent 

Today's Assignment 

You all are now at home due to the pandemic Covid 19. You have gone through many may adverse as well as worthwhile experiences. 

Write an email to your friend telling him/her about the various activities you were engaged in during lock down days.

Answer (Also Include e-mail (Electronic Mail )id format )


Sender's Mail id 

Recipient's Mail id 

Subject Salutation 

Main Body 

Ending Statement 

Signature Line


From:- (Sender's Mail Id ) @

To :(Recipient's Address)

Subject:-At home due to the pandemic Covid 19

Salutation (Dear Friend )

                                          Main Body 


The outbreak of pandemic has a positive and negative impact especially on students 

Content- Matter

The lockdown period helped me to acquire new skills like

1. Developed a new personal routine

2. Focusing on physical and mental health by practicing yoga and meditation

3. Investing time on reading 

4. Developing a taste in vegetable farming

5. Learning to organise things at home

6. Learning cooking a little bit. 

7. Getting time to take care of family and became more close to them

8. Learning value of nature

The lockdown period impacted me Negatively 

1. Missing activities like sports and other competitions in schools

2. Unable to visit grandparents and other relatives.

3.  Anxiety about future

4.  Inability to interact with friends causes stress


In my opinion we should make such situation more productive and take this opportunity to develop ourselves.

                                                                          Ending Statement 


                                                                          Sender's Name

                                                                          Sender's  Sign