English Class -10 Chapter -03
Qu)-Is Stephen Hawking really a great mind on par with the likes of Einstein and Newton. Justify your answer
Ans )-Hawking daringly asked unexpected and penetrating questions. He clearly knew what he was talking about. For this reason ,he was considered as genius like Einstein
Qu)- List the interesting facts dealt with in Hawking’s book
Ans)-The book begins by rewinding the great theories of the cosmos from Newton to Einstein.
In his book ,Halking deals with Questions like
Where did the universe come from?
Is the universe infinite or does it have any boundaries?
Will it come to an end; if so, how?
Is there a complete theory of the universe and everything in it?
Is there a beginning of Time?
Could time run back?
He wrote the book to make science understandable to non-scientists
Qu)- What could have been the misgivings of Jane?
Ans)-Jain worried about Hawking's health .He could no longer breathe through his mouth and nose, but only through a permanent opening made in his throat. After many weeks of intensive care, he went home to join Jane and his three children.
Qu)- How could he overcome his difficulties after the tracheotomy operation?
Ans)-Walt Woltosz, a computer expert in California, sent him a programme he had developed, called the Equalizer, which allowed Hawking to select words from the screen .This Equalizer helped him to overcome his difficulties
Qu)- Mention some of the unique ideas and paradoxes put forward by Stephen Hawking
Ans)-‘In science and with people, things are often not what they seem, and pieces that ought to fit together refuse to do so. You’ll learn that beginnings may be endings; cruel circumstances can lead to happiness, although fame and success may not; two great scientific theories taken together seem to give us nonsense; empty space isn’t empty; black holes aren’t black; and a man whose appearance inspires shock and pity takes us laughing to where the boundaries of time and space ought to be, but are not
Qu)-What was Hawking's attitude to his disability? How do you estimate it in a wider social context?
Ans)-Stephen Hawking chooses to ignore the difficulty and he expects others to adopt the same attitude. He has overcome his crippling disease to become the ‘supernova’ of world physics
Todays Assignment
Text Book Activity III (Interview) Page No:25
Read the excerpt from the interview of Stephen Hawking by Kitty Gail Ferguson. She interviews him to collect details for his biography. Find out Stephen’s responses from the profile and complete the interview.
Interviewer : Shortly after your twenty-first birthday, your doctors diagnosed that you had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a rare disease for which there is no known cure. How did you react to the diagnosis? How did you manage to cope with the situation?
Interviewee : At first, I went into a deep depression. I did not know what I ought to do, or what My future would be like.
My dreams at that time were rather confused.
Before my condition was diagnosed, I had been very bored with life. There did not seem to be anything worth doing. But shortly after I came out of hospital, I dreamt that I was going to be executed. I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile things to do, if I were reprieved.Another recurring dream was the idea of sacrificing my life to save others. After all, if I were going to die, I might as well do some good.
Interviewer : What made you think that life was precious? Can you recollect any particular instance in your life that has become crucial?
Interviewee:-Two years passed. The progression of the disease had slowed. ‘I didn’t die In fact, although there was a cloud hanging over my future I found to my surprise that I was enjoying life in the present, more than before’ and I met Jane Wilde. Slowly our friendship developed ,Later she became my life partner
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